vendredi 8 novembre 2024

👍 Le premier Monsieur Worthington à épouser une (éventuelle) princesse européenne

Demain, la princesse Marie-Astrid de Liechtenstein et Ralph « Rafe » Worthington V se marieront en Italie. La mariée est la fille du prince Nikolaus de Liechtenstein et de la princesse Margaretha de Luxembourg. Le marié est le fils de Ralph Worthington IV et de Lucinda Earle Morrissey. Cependant, ce ne sera pas la première fois qu’un membre de la famille Worthington épouse un membre de la famille royale européenne… ou, plus précisément, ce n’est pas la première fois qu’un Worthington épouse quelqu’un qui est devenu membre de la  famille  royale européenne.

Mme George Ely Worthington. Photographie de Ryder de Cleveland, Ohio. Image parue dans le magazine Munsey, 1898.

« Mme George Ely Worthington est une de ces brunes que la nature dessine avec douceur. Elle n’a rien de l’éclat et de la clarté qui nous tiennent souvent à l’écart des beautés aux yeux noirs. Son visage exprime la tranquillité et la douceur, et ses yeux ont une touche de mystère séduisant. Mme Worthington a vécu toute sa vie dans l’Ohio, allant à l’école à Columbus et, en tant que Miss Mamie Stuart, prenant une part importante à toute la gaieté qui régnait dans la capitale de l’État. Elle a toujours été très fidèle à sa maison de l’Ouest, ne se souciant pas de jouer un rôle social dans d’autres villes tant que Cleveland l’accueillait si volontiers. » C’est ainsi que Nonnie May Stewart, la première femme de George Ely Worthington, était décrite à la page 414 du Munsey’s Magazine de New York en 1898. 

L'acte de mariage de Ralph Worthington et Helen Ely.

Né le 7 mai 1872 à Cleveland, Ohio, George Ely Worthington était le premier enfant de Ralph Worthington (1841-1925) et Helen Harmon Ely (1852-1908), qui se sont mariés le 8 juin 1871. Les grands-parents paternels de George étaient George Worthington et Maria Cushman Blackmar. Ses grands-parents maternels étaient George Ely et Gertrude Sophia Harmon. 

La licence de mariage de George Worthington et Nonnie Stewart.

Le 1er octobre 1894, George Ely Worthington épousa Nonnie May Stewart, la fille de William Charles Stewart et Mary Holden. Le mariage du couple fut dissous le 23 mars 1899 ; George et Nonnie n'eurent pas d'enfants. 

La licence de mariage de William Leeds et Nonnie Stewart Worthington.

George’s former wife Nonnie May Stewart was remarried on 3 August 1900 to William Bateman Leeds, an industrialist who amassed a fortune through the tin industry. The Leeds couple had one son, William Bateman Leeds Jr. Nonie Stewart Worthington Leeds was widowed in 1908 upon the death of her husband, and she inherited a great deal of his wealth. On 1 February 1920, Nonie (or Nancy, as she was sometimes known) married Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark, the youngest child of King George I of the Hellenes and his wife Queen Olga (née Grand Duchess of Russia). Nonie converted to the Greek Orthodox faith. She used her largesse to assist the Greek royal family, which was much appreciated by her in-laws. As a result, she was accorded the title and style of HRH Princess Anastasia of Greece and Denmark by her brother-in-law, King Constantine I. In 1921, her son William “Billy” Leeds married Princess Xenia Georgievna of Russia, the niece of her husband Christopher. Princess Anastasia of Greece died in 1923.

The grave of George E Worthington.

Meanwhile, Princess Anastasia’s first husband had also remarried and had children. On 11 April 1899, George Ely Worthington married Lavinia Zenana Curtis (previously married to Harry Pinkley). The couple divorced in 1906 and did not have issue.

A report of the wedding of George Worthington and Ethel Coons.

On 15 June 1907, George married Ethel May Coons. The Worthingtons then moved to California, where George became a photographer. The couple had two sons, Ralph Worthington (1908-1996) and Eugene Worthington (1910-1993; married Rayola Weitzel). On 31 January 1915, George E Worthington married Virginia Bridges. The couple had one daughter, Virginia Marguerite Worthington (1921-1986; married William Jay Settle). 

The obituary of George Worthington.

George Ely Worthington died on 22 August 1950 at the age of seventy-seven. He was buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale. 

In 1913, five years after the death of his mother Helen, George’s rather aged father Ralph married a much younger Ethel Burdette of Valdosta, Georgia. Ralph and Ethel had three children, including one son, Ralph Worthington III. Ralph Worthington III married Margaret Talmadge in 1943; the couple had one son, Ralph Worthington IV. In 1984, Ralph Worthington IV married Lucinda Earle Morrisey; the following year, the Worthingtons welcomed the arrival of their first son, Ralph Worthington V. In 2019, Ralph Worthington V became engaged to Princess Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein.

Rafe Worthington and Princess Marie-Astrid of Liechtenstein at the 2019 wedding of Prince Jean-Christophe Napoléon and Countess Olympia von Arco. Photo (c) Schneider-Press/SIPA/Shutterstock.

Ralph Worthington V is the great-nephew of George Ely Worthington, who was the first husband of Nonie May Stewart, who went on to marry Prince Christopher of Greece and herself became Princess Anastasia of Greece.

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.

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