vendredi 7 juin 2024

⚡️ La princesse Märtha Louise cesse son rôle royal ; le roi Harald et la reine Sonja soutiennent sa décision


Hier, la princesse Märtha Louise de Norvège a annoncé qu'elle ne remplirait plus de fonctions officielles au nom de la Maison royale. Avec son fiancé Durek Verrett, Märtha Louise a publié une déclaration vidéo sur Instagram. Cette déclaration a été suivie d'une conférence de presse donnée par les parents de Märtha Louise, le roi et la reine de Norvège, à Oslo. 

Märtha Louise a déclaré : « Chaque fois qu'un membre de la famille royale se fiance, cela crée des tempêtes médiatiques, c'est également le cas cette fois-ci. Après les discussions des derniers mois dans les médias, mon fiancé Durek Verrett et moi-même avons, avec le roi, la reine et le reste de la famille royale, convenu de quelques ajustements. Je vais me retirer de mes fonctions officielles de mécène de diverses organisations. Je suis de tout cœur avec ces organisations et les personnes merveilleuses que j'ai rencontrées en les représentant pendant plusieurs décennies, et avec le travail important qu'elles accomplissent. Quelqu'un d'autre de la famille royale continuera à me mécéner. Je maintiendrai la séparation entre mon titre de princesse et mon rôle de femme d'affaires, où je n'utilise que Märtha Louise sur les réseaux sociaux, les productions médiatiques et autres, et Durek suit le mouvement. Tout d'abord, je voudrais souligner qu'il n'y a eu aucune discorde au sein de la famille royale au cours de ce processus. Nous avons accepté les opinions et les points de vue de chacun de manière amicale, avec respect et amour les uns pour les autres. Je voudrais également préciser que lorsque nous nous marierons à l’avenir, comme mes oncles Erling Lorentzen et Johan Ferner et mon défunt mari Ari Behn, Durek ne recevra pas de titre. Fidèle à la tradition, il ne représentera pas non plus la Maison royale, mais sera présent lors des événements familiaux et de quelques événements sportifs occasionnels .

Durek Verrett continued: “I have always wanted to support my fiancée Märtha Louise, and I want her to be happy. If her life has become difficult because of some of the things that I have done, then that was never my intention. The same goes for her parents, the King and Queen. I want them to be successful in the important roles that they have. I have, through the conversations with the family, learned a lot. I have gained a deeper understanding of the work of the Royal Family in Norway, and I respect their constitutional role. I know that some of the things I have said and done have been seen as controversial in Norway. Some have even argued that this has become a problem for the monarchy. I want to make it clear, that this was never my intention. I wish Märtha’s family well, and I want to do my part to support them in their roles. At the same time, it is important for me to maintain my own integrity and to be true to myself. I like everyone else have a right to autonomy, to determine what I believe in, and to speak up about it. I hope what Märtha and I and the Royal Family have agreed on will create the space necessary for this balance to work and to be more robust. I also want to clarify that I am for the school of medicine, and always have been, because I have seen several occasions in my life where I have been saved by the school of medicine, and I have great respect for the institution and for the people working in the healthcare system. I honor and respect them for what they do. However, I do believe that we should always use all available resources for health on our planet. Not instead of, but in addition to the healthcare system.

Märtha Louise finished by saying: “I have a background from the healthcare system as a physiotherapist, and know the importance of scientifically proven healthcare. In addition to that, I think alternative medicine can be an important supplement to the school of medicine for many people. Acupuncture, yoga, meditations, crystals, and nature medicine can be a supplement in addition to the health system for better mental and physical health. And, it is, in the bridging of the two, like having acupuncture in maternity wards and hospitals, as many parts of the country have as an asset, or using horses as part of psychiatric treatment, like at Gaustad Hospital here in Oslo, that I want to continue like I have for the last twenty years. I hope these steps will lead to a calmer and more peaceful environment regarding my fiancé Durek Verrett and myself.

Later in the day, King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway held a press conference to address their daughter’s decision. The king opened by noting: “We have followed the discussion that has taken place in the press and among the people regarding Princess Märtha Louise’s activities and mixing of tasks. We have now arrived at a solution which we hope and believe will give greater distance between the princess’s activities and those of the royal house. We believe this will create a greater distance and are happy about it. We have arrived at an agreed proposal that we are all satisfied with.

The king said that his daughter withdrawing from royal duties was a loss to the Royal Family: “She is very good at it. And I know that those who have had close contact with her and for whom she has been a protector, they are very fond of her. So there are some who will be happy about this [decision], and some who will be disappointed.

Queen Sonja further elaborated: “She has also enjoyed it very much herself. I think she enjoyed these tasks. So it is a shame that you have to give it up, and I think she’s sorry for that too.

When asked if the princess stepping away from royal duties was a loss for her, the king and queen responded: “Yes, and for us.

Queen Sonja spoke about Durek Verrett, the fiancé of Princess Märtha Louise: “Even if we disagree on certain things, we are happy with each other. And that is the most important thing. So I have the feeling that the family is now very close to each other in a new, nice way. We have gained a great understanding of each other. It is after all two cultures meeting. I have the feeling that Durek now understands more of what the monarchy and the royal house stand for in a country. At least, he says he has learned a lot. He is very nice and fun to be with.” King Harald added: “It is nice to see that Princess Märtha Louise and Durek Verrett are doing well together. You can see that, and during this time we have had the opportunity to get to know him better. He is a great guy and very fun to be with. He has a lot of humour, and we laugh a lot, even in this difficult time. I think both we and he have gained a greater understanding of what this is about, and we agree that we disagree. So we don’t agree on everything. But we can live with our differences.

King Harald humourously and kindly noted that it should not be surprising that Mr Verrett, as an US citizen, did not fully understand the importance of a constitutional monarchy and how it functions, as the system is foreign to Americans. The king stated: “The Americans do not understand the significance of this [the monarchy] here. They don’t. Americans have no idea what a monarchy is. So it’s no wonder he doesn’t understand.

Le couple royal a brièvement évoqué les problèmes liés à la situation de M. Verrett et la manière dont il avait compris l'effet que cela aurait sur la monarchie norvégienne et son rôle si la princesse Märtha Louise poursuivait ses fonctions royales tout en s'engageant dans des activités commerciales aux côtés de M. Verrett. « Il pensait pouvoir faire ce qu'il voulait sans que cela nous affecte du tout », a déclaré le roi Harald. La reine Sonja a poursuivi : « Mais il a compris que nous sommes tous ensemble sur ce point. Qu'il doit également tenir compte de ce que nous représentons. »

On demanda au roi Harald et à la reine Sonja pourquoi Märtha Louise avait été autorisée à conserver le titre de princesse. Le roi répondit : « Elle est notre fille et elle le restera. Elle est donc la princesse Märtha Louise. »

Le texte norvégien des commentaires du roi et de la reine de Norvège peut être trouvé à ce lien :

Kong Harald à Durek Verrett: – Han a marché sur sa ville

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